Sunday, December 14, 2014

Hussar news 12/14/2014

Hussar version 2.00 is likely going to be released in January 2015. (Stylistic version only, Pro will likely be released by February 2015)

Hussar 2.00 will be 2 Releases, but the names mentioned in the earlier post will not  be used. 

Hussar's 2 Releases will be Hussar (Same styles as current Hussar, plus the new ones mentioned in the earlier post) and Hussar Pro, which will only have the more normal weights and styles and none of  Stylized weights (No Leftalic, Outline or Additional Oblique angles).

Hussar Pro 2.00 will feature a couple weights not included in Hussar, including Hussar Black and Hussar Semi-Bold. Hussar Pro is planned to release by February 2015.

Hussar Blyskawica will be updated in the next few months, and the updated version will have more characters and have a few fixes of characters that look a bit off compared to Hussar.

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